لاميبو LAMEBOهي أضخم شركة إيطالية منتجة للشفرات القاطعة. تستعمل الشفرات المنتجة في مختلف المجالات المتعلقة بالجلد: الدباغة، صناعة الأحذية والفراء، وفي قطاعات أخرى، مثل قطع الفلين، والمواد القابلة للتمدد، والجلود، والفلين، والمنسوجات، والمطاط، والشعر، والورق، والمخمل، والأقمشة غير المنسوجة.
و تستخدم شفرات لاميبو على وجه الخصوص في:
الدباغة: آلات القطع مسكوني، بوليتّو، رتسي، ترنور، زفيت، لينتا، البيسباك، سي اس ام، ميرسير،
مصانع الأحذية: في آلات قطع الجلد البيرتي، البيكو، اتوم_الليجي، كاموجا، فورتونا، اوزما، ساجيتّا،سفيت وآلات المحلية.
الاشتغال على المواد القابلة للتمدد، والإسترات والمواد الفلّينية: على آلات فيكينكيرفل وآلات محلية.
مصانع الفرو:لقص الشعر على آلات كابديفيلا، جيماتا، سيلبيك وآلات محلية.
Lamebo Season's Greetings
21.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Lamebo staff wishes everybody a Happy Season's Holiday!
Lamebo staff wishes everybody a Happy Season's Holiday!
Lamebo su: La Repubblica
Gabriella Bocca "La mia vita tra i macchinari" - La Repubblica - 13/10/2024 - Torino
Amministratrice delegata della Lamebo, l’azienda di famiglia leader nella produzione di “lame a spaccare”. È stata nominata vicepresidente dell’Unione Industriali.
Una lady di ferro ma con grande umanità. Gabriella Bocca, amministratrice delegata della Lamebo, l’azienda di famiglia leader nella produzione di “lame a spaccare”, usate in particolare nella lavorazione di pellami e in altri settori, si racconta con molta ironia e sincerità.
PMI Day 2024
Here are the students! It was an honour to welcome them!
On Monday we met the students for PMI Day 2024!
Every time it is a fantastic experience to train, and also to train ourselves, to understand well what the kids are looking for, their dreams and their hope in the future of work! I thank the guys, the enlightened professors and the UI of Turin, who made it possible to organize this day!
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca della Lamebo srl ha ricevuto il premio IWEC durante la Conferenza annuale dell'International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge tenutasi a Torino questa settimana. / Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo srl has been awarded during the Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge annual Conference that took place in Turin this week.
Lamebo Campioni dell'Export 2023!
Lamebo Campioni dell'Export 2023!
Lamebo Export Champions 2023!
Lamebo su International Technology ....
Lamebo......fare innovazione! 2^ parte
continua l'interessante intervista ....
Lamebo......fare innovazione! 1^ parte
articolo domanda e risposta pubblicato sulla Rivista Arsutoria, sia in inglese che in italiano
Il viaggio per la spaccatura perfetta lo organizza Lamebo
Un articolo interessante pubblicato sulla Rivista Arsutoria
PMI Day 2022
Here are the students! It was an honour to welcome them!
For the first time Lamebo opens its doors to the schools.
It was an honour to receive their visit and a very good feeling to see the interest of students and professors.
Tratto da / From Il Corriere
"PICCOLE IMPRESE ALLA SFIDA DELLE MILLE CRISI" di Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo srl
Lamebo on World Leather April/May 2021
Maximising precision and minimising waste in splitting..
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nominata rappresentante di Piccola Industria nazionale nel Consiglio Generale di Confindustria per il biennio 2021-2023
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nominata rappresentante di Piccola Industria nazionale nel Consiglio Generale di Confindustria per il biennio 2021-2023
160th anniversary of Italian unification
March 17, 2021, marks the 160th anniversary of Italian unification, the Day of National Unity, the Constitution, the Anthem and the Flag
The fantastic experience as President of our ASSOMAC association ended on November 25th.
I thank everyone, it was a pride and an honor to be able to represent you!
If you want to see the video of the Assembly you can find it in the video section of our website.
Una graditissima lettera..
Gabriella Bocca rieletta Presidente di Piccola Industria Piemonte!
Video Stand Lamebo al Simac Tanning Tech 2020
Un piccolo video del nostro stand del Simac Tanning Tech 2020
Here, you'll find a short video which shows our stand during Simac Tanning Tech Fair 2020
Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
La presidente Gabriella Marchioni Bocca: "Nell’immediato la priorità è garantire la sicurezza ma con la ripartenza è fondamentale supportare le imprese e sostenere l’export"
Torino riparte!
Torino Riparte! Non facciamo vincere la paura
Torino non si ferma!
Torino non si ferma davanti al Covid-19!
Torino must go on!
Assomac, 500 piante per il Madagascar
Il progetto sottoscritto da Assomac apporta trasformazioni positive a livello ambientale, come riassorbimento CO2, riforestazione, tutela della biodiversità, contrasto dell’erosione del suolo e desertificazione, ma anche una ricaduta positiva per la comunità nel luogo prescelto.
“Assomac, da sempre, è impegnata sul tema della sostenibilità, che risulta essere sempre più strategica per le aziende - continua la presidente Marchioni Bocca
ASSOMAC plants 500 plants in Madagascar
A forward-looking model to address current environmental and social challenges
Buongiorno Regione - Piemonte che produce - Lamebo srl - 28/01/2020
Il programma "Buongiono Regione Piemonte" del 28 01 20, durante la rubrica "Piemonte che produce" parla della Lamebo srl, azienda produttrice di lame a spaccare sita a Leinì (TO).
Tratto da / From... Ars Tannery
Tutti uniti per la circolarità / All united for circularity
Tratto da / From... Ars Tannery
The technological square n.1 in Milan
Consegna della Targa Premio Assomac alla Lamebo per i 50 anni
Assomac ha consegnato alla Lamebo la targa premio per i suoi 50 anni di attività.
To guarantee a constant level of quality in its products, Lamebo achieved the new quality certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 regulations.
REX System
We are very glad to inform all our customers that since 11.12.2017 Lamebo has been registered in the database of REX System (Registered Exporter System)!
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nuovo Presidente di Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo, è il nuovo Presidente di Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte / Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo, is the new President of Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte.
Supplier of Sustainable
A nice video about the project "Supplier of Sustainable", the Green Label by Assomac
Attestato di benemerenza
Riceviamo l'attestato di benemerenza per aver contribuito attraverso una libera donazione a sostenere ed affrontare le difficoltà ed i disagi degli eventi sismici dell'anno 2016 verificatosi a Sarnano (MC).
We received the merit certificate since we had helped thru' charitable contribution to support and face difficulties, disadvantages related to the earthquakes in year 2016 in Sarnano (MC).
Tratto da/ from..
Una grande iniziativa promossa dai Sig.Giancarlo Dani e Sig.Rino Mastrotto in cui c'è anche un po' di "cuore" della Lamebo. / A great initiative promoted by Mr.Giancarlo Dani and Mr.Rino Mastrotto where Lamebo's "heart" is present. /Una gran iniciativa promovida por el Sr Giancarlo Dani y el Sr Rino Mastrotto donde hay un poco de "corazon" de Lamebo.
Legality Rating
On the 9.03.2016 Lamebo Srl has received the "Legality Rating"
Look at the top of the leather shoes that welcome your feet during your long days, or take in your
hands your wonderful leather bags. Did you ever wonder how the quality of the leather of such
kind of goods, and so expensive, can be constantly guaranteed?
The shoes are an essential part of our wardrobe. It is made of various shapes, of variuos types:
elegant or casual for our free time, we can't go anywhere without!
Not less indispensable, and not only for reasons of style, the bag is an inseparable item for ladies
and it becomes a magical world in which every girl or woman is able to put the more that you can
ever imagine!
Or the precious leather wallet that we hold in our pockets or the belt that gives a touch of class to
the clothes we are wearing. Many objects that we owe solve us some problems, in a way or
People who walk a lot, for example, knows very well how important is to wear shoes that don't hurt
the feet and people, who want to show their style off, know very well how indispesable is to owe
perfect bags: the quality of the leather do the difference.
Would you ever thought that the wellness of our feet and our perfect and smart style depends on
what splitting band knives have been used to work the leather?
Indeed, in order to work the leather in the better way and then to guarantee the better quality which in the leathergoods and shoes fields it is used to prepare the leather which will become bags, belts and shoes, a particular kind of blade is used and this is the so-called splitting band knife. Apart from separating and splitting the leather, it allows also to “reduce” the material in its thickness, obtaining the high quality product we can parade.
The splitting band knives have a great versatility, they can be used to split every kind of material
that needs to be reduced in its thickness: leather, textile and lining, rubber and insoles, cardboard
You'll say : all blades are basically the same!
But this is wrong! A wrong choice in the type of splitting band knives means indeed to risk the
quality of the final product!
Therefore.. each blade has its leather! And each leather has its blade!
In the shoe and leather goods sector the blades which are mostly used are rectified on both edge and surfaces in order to guarantee the best splitting, that means a constance in the thickness of the leather that is produced/splitted (rectification of surfaces), and also to guarantee the maximum linearity during the splitting process ( back edge); the blade must run as stable as possible without oscillations at all, which could create defects on the leather.
As far as the Italian fashion is at the top all over the world, also the most suitable splitting band
knives for this use come from Italy. Located in the province of Turin, Lamebo company places
itself at the top of high quality splitting band knives production.
Once again the fashion is Made in Italy also in the components used for creation of smart products.
In other words, next time when we take our shoes off after a long day or every time we open our
leather bag, we will always remember to thank the producer that choose the best splitting band
knives to guarantee the highest quality of what we are wearing out!
Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
IRAN: La voglia di rimettersi in gioco
by M. Pucci - ASSOMAC
Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
In concomitanza con la fiera di settore MPEX si è svolto a Teheran un Business Forum italo-iraniano in occasione della Missione di Sistema
organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico in collaborazione con Confindustria.
La missione, a cui ha partecipato anche ASSOMAC, ha svolto un ruolo importante all'interno del FORUM Italia-Iran. La Presidente Gabriella Marchioni Bocca ha infatti firmato domenica 29 novembre, al termine della sessione generale del FORUM, alla presenza del Ministro
dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e del Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo
Calenda, due accordi di collaborazione con l'Associazone dei conciatori di Tabriz (ALPEA) e l'Associazione dei conciatori e dei prodotti in pelle di Teheran (ITA/IR). Sulla base delle intese
verranno tra l'altro avviati programmi di assistenza tecnica e di formazione allo scopo di promuovere le macchine e le tecnologie
italiane per calzature, pelletteria e conceria. (Nella foto la prima pagina di un giornale di Teheran di lunedì 30 novembre con l'immagine
della firma dell'accordo tra ASSOMAC e ALPEA (Association of the Leather Producers and Exporters of East Azerbaijian). Da sinistra
Golnar Nasrollahi, Direttrice del Dipartimento Industria Leggera del Ministero dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran;
Masoud Bonabian, Presidente di ALPEA; Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Presidente di ASSOMAC e Riccardo M. Monti, Presidente di ICE Agenzia. Alle spalle il Ministro dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e il Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda,.........
(by Mario Pucci - Assomac )
President of Assomac
Mrs. Gabriella Marchioni Bocca is the new President of Assomac
D. Lgs 231/01 and Ethic Code
Starting from the 1st January 2015, Lamebo introduces the "Form of Organisation, Management and Control with reference to legislative decree 231/01 and Ethic Code".
It is the set of rules and procedures organised in order to prevent the acting of violations and crimes which have to be followed by every person in the company. In order to effect the form, an independent monitoring organisation and a Ethic Code are created. The independent monitoring organisation meets with regular frequency in order to jugde if the Ethic Cod is respected.
click on the picture to see the photo gallery
في العام 1969 أدرك كل من انريكو و ريتا بوكّا وجود ضرورة ملحة لإنشاء شركة جديدة تتمتع بجميع الامتيازات الضرورية لتلبية الطلبات المتضاعفة والمتطورة بشكل مستمر للعملاء الذين يستعملون الشفرات القاطعة، بالاعتماد على الخبرة التي راكمت على مدى سنوات.
وهكذا ففي العام 1969، في سان ماوروطورينز ولدتلاميبو ش.م.م. )(Lamebo srlالبديل الإيطالي عن المنتوج الأجنبي من الشفرات القاطعة.
بعدما أصبحت المصنع الايطالي الأهم للشفرات القاطعة، بدأت لاميبو الصعود إلى الأسواق الدولية:وبالتالي بدأت مرحلة جديدة من التوسع كلفت بها كبرييلا ماركوني بوكا.
واليوم وهي تحتفل بعيد ميلادها الـ 45أصبحت لاميبو ش.م.م. رائدة بلا منازع على الصعيد العالمي بالنسبة للشفرات القاطعة ذات الجودة والمستخدمة في مجالات دباغة الجلود وصناعة الأحذية والمنتجات الجلدية وصناعة الفراء وتصنيع المواد القابلة للتمدد، والإسترات، والمطاط، والفلين.
مع الخبرة والدراية التقنية والتجارية المكتسبة، تقترح لاميبو نفسهاكشريك موثوق به ومؤهل تأهيلا عاليا لتلبية احتياجات العملاء العديدين وحل مشاكلهم.
تفتخر لاميبو اليوم بشبكة مبيعات في جميع أنحاء العالم. لدينا أكثر من 1700 عميل في 90 بلدا في جميع أنحاء العالم.
للبقاء قريبين من العملاء والتعرف على الاحتياجات الخاصة بهم تشارك لاميبو في المعارض التجارية الدولية، والندوات المتعلقة بالتكنولوجيا وتشارك في اجتماعات مع الممثلين المحليين كما تقدم المشورة الخاصة للعملاء على أساس احتياجاتهم.
إذا لم يستطع أحد تقديم إجابات محددة، اتصل بنا وسنكون سعداء بدراسة الحل لمشكلتك.
الحديث اليوم عن لاميبو يعني سرد حقيقة رائدة على الصعيد العالمي في مجال الشفرات القاطعة.
المنتجات - القطاعات
click on the picture to see the photo gallery
تنتج لاميبو جميع أنواع الشفرات القاطعة، من جميع المقاييس والتي يمكن استخدامها في أي قطاع وعلى أية آلة تقطيع، وفقا لاحتياجاتك بالنسبة للطول (من 1000 إلى أكثر من 15000 مم.)، والعرض (من 10 إلى 110 مم) والسمك (من 0.40 إلى 1.50 مم)
نتوفر على مجموعة واسعة من أفضل المواد الخام الأوروبية التي أخضعت للدراسة خصيصا لتلبية احتياجات جميع أنواع التطبيق، ولقطع جميع أنواع المواد (الجلد، والشعر، والورق، والمطاط، والفلين، والمخمل والمنسوجات بشكل عام، والإسترات، والأقمشة غير المنسوجة)، وفي جميع الحالات (الجاف، والرطب، ذات صلابة متنوعة) وبعلاقة مع نوع حَجَر المِسَن المستخدم في الشحذ..
يمكن تعديل الشفرات على كلا السطحين لضمان الثبات في السمك، وتشكيله على الحافة لضمانأقصى قدر من الاستقامة للاقتصاد في وقت التشغيل بمجرد تركيبها على آلة التقطيع.
نحتفظ باستمرار في مخازننا بكل مجموعات السمك والعرض للمواد الخام لضمان انجاز أية شفرة قاطعة.
تتعاون لاميبومع الشركات المصنعة لآلات التقطيع الرائدة في العالم لتصميم وإنجاز الثنائيآلة تقطيع – شفرة .
شفرات لاميبو يمكن تركيبها على أية آلة للتقطيع، . (Alpespak, Mosconi, Rizzi, CSM, Poletto, Mercier, Gemata-Linta, Turner, Kela,Svit, Alberti, Atom-Ellegi, Camoga, Fortuna, Omsa-Sagitta, Albeko, Bangda, Dashun, Nippy,FeckenKirfel, Baumer, Capdevila, Gemata, Selbeck, Perini, etc.)
إذا كانت شفرات المنشار الشريطي الخاصة بك غير موجودة، نحن نصنعها لكم.
الشفرات القاطعة الخاصة بالدباغة، وتصنيع الجلود والأقمشة
نحن قادرون على إنتاج شفرات المنشار الشريطيمن6000 إلى 15000مم.
نضعرهن تصرفكممجموعة واسعةمن أفضل الموادالخامالأوروبية التي أخضعت للدراسة خصيصا لتلبية الاحتياجات إلى جميع أنواع التطبيق؛ كل هذامرفوقا بخبراتنا، وبالأبحاث التي نقوم بهاوالانطباعات الواردة علينا، والتي تسمح لنا بتقديمالأنسب لاستخدامك من الفولاذمع مراعاة:
•التفاعلالذي يحدثبينالتركيب الكيميائيوالفيزيائي لفولاذ الشفرة والمنتجات المستخدمة فيدباغةأو إنتاج الجلد؛
•حالةالجلدالمستخدم (أمعاء، ويت بلو wet blue، مجفف، أبيض، كراست crust، الخ).
•نوعالمعالجة الذي يتعين القيام بها؛
•نوعحَجَر المِسَنالمستخدم في الشحذ.
المجموعات الأكثر شيوعا بين العرض والسمك والمستخدمة فيآلاتالقطع الخاصة بالدباغةوصناعة الفراء هي:
115 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.20 مم
85 x 1.00 مم.
110 x 1.20 مم
85 x 1.20 مم
85 x 0.90 مم
100 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.10 مم
85 x 0.80 مم
95 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.00 مم
70 x 0.80 مم
نتوفر في مخازنناكذلك على مجموعة واسعة منالفولاذ الخامالذي يسمح للاميبوبانجازكافة التركيباتمن حيث السمكوالعرض:
السمك0.80:ممإلى 1.20مم العرض :من 70ممإلى 115مم
يمكن أن تتنوع صلادة الموادالخام المختلفة المحددة حسب اختبار روكويل، بناء على طلبك، ابتداء من 44-50HRC
بناء على طلبكم،ندرسمعكمسويا الشفرات القاطعة للتطبيقات الخاصة، التي لم تتواجد بعد في السوق.
إذا كانت شفرات المنشار الشريطيالخاصة بك غير موجودة نحن نصنعها لك حسب المقاييس.
لشفرات القاطعة الخاصة بصناعة الأحذية، وصناعة الفراء
نحن قادرون على إنتاج شفرات المنشار الشريطي من 2000 إلى 6000مم
نضعرهن تصرفكممجموعة واسعةمن أفضل الموادالخامالأوروبية التي أخضعت للدراسة خصيصا لتلبية الاحتياجات إلى جميع أنواع التطبيق؛ كل هذامرفوقا بخبراتنا، وبالأبحاث التي نقوم بهاوالانطباعات الواردة علينا،تسمح لنابتقديمالأنسب لاستخدامك من الفولاذمع مراعاة:
•التفاعلالذي يحدثبينالتركيب الكيميائيوالفيزيائي لفولاذ الشفرة والمنتجات المستخدمة فيدباغةأو إنتاج الجلد؛
•نوعالمعالجة الذي يتعين القيام بها؛
•نوعحَجَر المِسَن المستخدم في الشحذ.
المجموعات الأكثر شيوعا بين العرض والسمك والمستخدمة فيآلاتالقطع الخاصة بالدباغةوصناعة الفراء هي:
115 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.20 مم
85 x 1.00 مم
110 x 1.20 مم
85 x 1.20 مم
85 x 0.90 مم
100 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.10 مم
85 x 0.80 مم
95 x 1.20 مم
90 x 1.00 مم
70 x 0.80 مم
نتوفر كذلك في مخازننا على مجموعة واسعة منالفولاذ الخامالذي يسمح للاميبوبانجازكافة التركيباتمن حيث السمكوالعرض:
السمك0.40:مم إلى 1.00 مم العرض :من 40 مم إلى 60 مم.
يمكن أن تتنوع صلادة الموادالخام المختلفة المحددة حسب اختبار روكويل، بناء على طلبك، ابتداء من 48 - 51 HRC.
بناء على طلبكم،ندرسمعكمسويا شفرات التقطيع للتطبيقات الخاصة، التي لم تتواجد بعد في السوق.
إذا كانت شفرات المنشار الشريطيالخاصة بك غير موجودة نحن نصنعها لك حسب المقاييس.
شفرات المنشار الحزامي في تصنيع على الورق
شفراتلاميبويمكن استخدامهافي تصنيعالورق والكرتونومشتقاته، والمواد المركبة التي تستخدمشفراتالمنشار الحزامي والتي يمكن تركيبهاعلى أية آلة متوفرة في السوق.
وتستخدم المجموعات الأكثر شيوعا بين العرض والسمك:
100 x 1.50 مم
30 x 0.70 مم
30 x 0.50 مم
100 x 1.20 مم
40 x 0.60 مم
20 x 0.50 مم
35 x 0.80 مم
35 x 0.60 مم
40 x 0.40 مم
20 x 0.80 مم
30 x 0.60 مم
نتوفركذلك في مخازننا على مجموعة واسعة منالصلب الخامالتي يسمح للاميبوبانجازكافة التركيباتمن حيث السمكوالعرض:
السمك0.40:مم إلى 1.50مم العرض :من 3مم إلى118مم
يمكن للشفرات أن تكون ملحومة ومشطوبة أو يعاد سنها بالنسبة للإمكانيات التالية:
الصلادة المعبر عنها في اختبار روكويل للموادالخام المختلفةيمكن أن تختلفبناء على طلبك ابتداء من 44- 50HRC أو 48-51 HRC
بالنسبة للشفرات من6000 إلى 15000 مليمتر
إمكانات التصنيع:
بناء على طلبكم،ندرسمعكمسويا شفرات التقطيع للتطبيقات الخاصة، التي لم تتواجد بعد في السوق.
إذا كانت شفرات المنشار الشريطيالخاصة بك غير موجودة نحن نصنعها لك حسب المقاييس.
الشفرات القاطعة للمطاط والإسترات والفولاذ
يمكن أن تنتجشفراتالمنشار الحزاميمن 1000 إلى 15000 مم
تقدم لك لاميبوأفضلشفراتالمنشار الحزامي للتقطيع، والقص، تشكيل،وتقشير المطاط وتصميمه، والمطاط والفلين، والمطاط الرغوي، والبولي يوريثين، والبولي ايثلين، والبولي بروبلين، والنيوبرين، وجميع المنتجاتومشتقاتها، من نفس الصنف ويمكن تصنيعها باستخدامشفراتالمنشار الحزاميالتي تركب على أية آلة موجودة في السوق.
المجموعات الأكثر شيوعا بين العرض والسمك والمستخدمة فيآلاتالقطع الخاصة بالدباغةوصناعة الفراء هي:
100 x 1.32 مم
85 x 1.20 مم
50 x 0.80 مم
40 x 0.50 مم
100 x 1.25 مم
80 x 1.00 مم
80 x 0.60 مم
15 x 0.50 مم
100 x 1.23 مم
60 x 1.00 مم
60 x 0.60 مم
13 x 0.50 مم
100 x 1.20 مم
50 x 1.00 مم
50 x 0.60 مم
12 x 0.50 مم
50 x 1.20 مم
60 x 0.80 مم
30 x 0.60 مم
10 x 0.50 مم
نتوفركذلك في مخازننا على مجموعة واسعة منالصلب الخامالذي يسمح للاميبوبانجازكافة التركيباتمن حيث السمكوالعرض:
السمك0.40:مم إلى 1.32مم العرض :من 3مم إلى115مم
يمكن للشفرات أن تتوفر على واحدة واثنين وأربعة من شفراتالمنشار الحزامي المتشابكة.
الصلادة المعبر عنها في اختبار روكويلللموادالخام المختلفةيمكن أن تختلفبناء على طلبك ابتداء من 44-50HRC أو 48-51 HRC
Lamebo company is one of the leading producers of band knives worldwide.
Dynamic, versatile, competitive: these are our company's keywords and a tangible sign of the presence and reliability of Lamebo on a global level.
We can produce a new band knife based on your requirements for special, non-standard applications.
Need a band knife, but can’t find one? Let us custom-make it for you.
Proud of 50 years experience in the production of splitting band knives for leather and rubber sectors, Lamebo increased in the last few years its range of products
Lamebo can offer you the best 100% Made in Italy band knives for splitting, profile cutting, peeling and finishing of rubber, India rubber, latex, cork, foam rubber, polyurethane, polyethylene, polypropylene, neoprene and any product or derivative of the above ones which can be processed by band knives.
Suitable for every kind of machines on the market, such as
Carrousel cutting machine
CNC Contour cutting machines
Horizontal cutting machine
Peeling & Looper cutting machine
Profile cutting machine
Splitting machine
Vertical cutting machines
of any brand, from Italy to Taiwan, from Germany to USA, from Turkey or any other countries.
Need a band knife, but can’t find one? Let us custom-make it for you.
Length : from 1000 mm to 15000 mm.
Width: from 3 mm. to 118 mm.
Thickness: from 0.40 mm. to 1.50 mm.
***We have a large variety of raw steel in our warehouses, which means Lamebo can create any combination you may need.
DBDE / DBSE / SBSE / SBDE / DBDE TWISTED, according to sizes and customers' needs.
Smooth and toothed blades
According to the blade that you may need we can supply you:
a) ground / smooth / horizontal / vertical band knives
b) band saws blades / band saw toothed blades / toothed contour blades or narrow band knives or CNC blades / toothed band knives
angle toothing / C-Tooth
pointed toothing / V tooth
toothed flat
wave / concave band knives / scallop blade
and many others shapes of teeth …
….combinated with a wide choice of TPI.
c) steel rolls sharpened or toothed according to customer’s needs.
نصائح الاستخدام
يجب أن تبقى الشفرات في العلب الواقية الخاصة بها ومن تم سحبها الواحدة تلو الأخرى من داخل العلبة.
يجب أن تكون الشفرات نظيفة جدا و يتم إزالة الزيت الواقي عنها، مع الحرص على عدم إحداث إصابات بها عند تنظيفها وتفكيكها.
يجب أن لا يتم تركيبها أبدا على مكوك غير مقوم أو على منصات غير نظيفة. ومن المهم جدا أن بتم تركيب الشفرة على الحذافة أي دولاب تنظيم السرعة بعد سنّها جيدا وعلى منضدة نظيفة. وإلا لن تكون الشفرة مستقيمة.
في الآلات القديمة ذات الضبط اليدوي، يجب ألا يتم أبدا إحكام شد الشفرة بقوة أو إرخائها لحد كبي
يجب ألا يتم أبدا احداث انحناء عند نقطة اللحام ( المميزة لعلامتنا التجارية) ولهذا السبب يجب إزالة الغلاف الواقي فقط بعد نهاية عملية تركيب لشفرة لأي نوع من المشاكل التي تواجهها، سوف تجد قرب العلامة التجارية قياس الشفرة و تاريخ صناعتها: قم بالإشارة إلى هذه المعلومات في حالة تبديلات في الفولاذ.
بعد عملية التركيب، يجب أن تدور الشفرة لبضعة دقائق بدون قص وذلك حتى يستقر وضعها جيدا في الآلة ويتم ضبط الآلة للسن فقط بعد هذه العملية ( يمكن أن يكون قد تم سن الشفرة من قبلنا، لتسهيل مهمة المشغل، إذا طلب ذلك).
عملية سن الشطيبة له أهمية كبيرة أيضا: في الواقع يجب أن تكون آلات السن نظيفة، لذلك يتم تنظيف و تلميع آلات السن بقضيب خاص 20X200 37 C 30 T8V مع (Norton) وسن الشفرة خلال فترة استعمالها. يجب البدء في السن بلطف وبطء لأنه إذا تم سنه بسرعة او إذا لم تكن نسب آلة السن ملائمة ، سوف يؤدي إلى تسخين الفولاذ و بالتالي تغيير بنيته، مؤثرا بذلك على دقة عملية القطع.
في العادة ينصح بإتباع تعليمات المعامل المصنعة لها، وذلك لانحراف زاوية الشطيبة (bisello).
ويتب بلو: قياس الشطيبة لهذه النوعية من العمل هو 5 مم علوي و3 مم سفلي
في الدباغة: قياس الشطيبة لهذه النوعية من العمل هو 6 مم علوي و4 مم سفلي
في الجاف:قياس الشطيبة لهذه النوعية من العمل هو 3.5 مم علوي 2.5 سفلي ( أن لا يكون أطول حتى لا يضعف قوة القص).
يجب أن تكون الشطيبة دائما مسحوجة وغيرلامعة
يجب أن يكون مقياس الشطيبة دائما بمقدار نصف سمك الشفرة
الجودة هي واجب ملزم للبقاء في السوق – وخصوصا في سوق يزداد صعوبة وعولمة على نحو متزايد.
تواصللاميبوالتقدم والتطور وللقيام بذلك فإنه يجب عليها أن تنخرط في التجديد المستمر، ولكن قبل كل شيء في الإنصات لاحتياجات العملاء وتلبيتها.
باعتبارها أيضا المسئولة التجارية سواء في ايطاليا أو في الخارج، فإن غابرييلا بوكا تواصل عملها جنبا إلى جنب مع موظفي التسويق وتلتقي شخصيا مع العملاء والوكلاء بصورة ممنهجة، لتوصيل الاحتياجات والمطالب الصادرة عن مختلف الأسواق إلى التقنيين الذين يعملون بدورهم بشكل وثيق الصلة مع مصنعي آلات التقطيع الإيطاليين والأجانب.
الديناميكية، والتنوع والقدرة على المنافسة: هي مميزات الشركة وهي علامة بارزة على وجود ومصداقية لاميبو على الصعيد العالمي.
إدارة الطلبيات المبرمجة
التسليم في الوقت المناسب خلال أسبوع واحد
شحنات الطوارئ خلال 24 ساعة
اختيار وكلاء الشحن تنافسيين
خدمة الشحن من الباب إلى الباب
إدارة شخصية للطلبيات وللعملاء
الإنصات المتيقظ للعملاء سمحبتنويع الجودة بصورة يتم معها تلبية جميع الاحتياجات، سواء من حيث الجودة أو الإنفاق.
الجودة هي:
بلاتينيوم( PLATINUM )
إكسترا أو الذهبية ( EXTRA/ GOLD )
الفضية( SILVER )
الجودة - الشهادات
لضمان الاتساق في مستوى جودة منتجاتها، حصلت لاميبو على شهادة الجودة في البدايةباعتماد معيارISO 9001ثم كخطوة ثانية حصلت على القسم الثاني من الشهادة – عبر اعتماد إجراءاتها الخاصة وحسب ما هو مطلوب في معيار UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
"الإدارة المشفرة للعمل خلال الإنتاج " - تقول كابرييلا بوكا- "يتطلب تحسين التحكم في جميع الوظائف، خصوصا بالنسبة لتلك المنتجات، مثل منتجاتنا، والتي تتطلب أعلى مستوى من الدقة. علاوة على ذلك، ففي سوق يتميز بالصعوبة والعولمة على نحو متزايد، فإن الشركة التي تسعى للاستمرار في التقدم يجب عليها الالتزام بالتحسينالمتواصل للجودة وبالتجديد المستمر ".
Starting from the 1st January 2015, Lamebo introduces the "Form of Organisation, Management and Control with reference to legislative decree 231/01 and Ethic Code".
It is the set of rules and procedures organised in order to prevent the acting of violations and crimes which have to be followed by every person in the company. In order to effect the form, an independent monitoring organisation and a Ethic Code are created. The independent monitoring organisation meets with regular frequency in order to jugde if the Ethic Cod is respected.
Legality Rating
On the 9.03.2016 Lamebo Srl has received the "Legality Rating", that acknowledges the ethical business behavior of Italian companies
Legality Rating
On the 9.03.2016 Lamebo Srl has received the "Legality Rating", that acknowledges the ethical business behavior of Italian companies
The prestigious award was renewed on January 30, 2024, with the follwing score:
أخبار وأحداث أرشيف
Lamebo Season's Greetings
21.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Lamebo staff wishes everybody a Happy Season's Holiday!
On Monday we met the students for PMI Day 2024!
Every time it is a fantastic experience to train, and also to train ourselves, to understand well what the kids are looking for, their dreams and their hope in the future of work! I thank the guys, the enlightened professors and the UI of Turin, who made it possible to organize this day!
For the first time Lamebo opens its doors to the schools.
It was an honour to receive their visit and a very good feeling to see the interest of students and professors.
Foam Expo Europe 2021
09/11/21 -11/11/21
Soon Lamebo will attend Foam Expo Europe.. booth 1118.. we wait for you!!
Simac Tanning Tech 2021
Simac Tanning Tech 2021: a signal to restart.
We thank all those who came to visit us at the fair ... it was a pleasure to see you again!
160th anniversary of Italian unification
March 17, 2021, marks the 160th anniversary of Italian unification, the Day of National Unity, the Constitution, the Anthem and the Flag
The fantastic experience as President of our ASSOMAC association ended on November 25th.
I thank everyone, it was a pride and an honor to be able to represent you!
If you want to see the video of the Assembly you can find it in the video section of our website.
Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
Dear Customers,
also this year we will be there.... We will wait for you .. to speak with you and to let you see the news that Lamebo reserved for you...
1B-07-E – Hall 1B ASSOMAC Italian Pavillion
APRIL 2018
We are very glad to inform all our customers that since April, 2018 Lamebo became Industry 4.0!
We would like to focus your attention to some frauds and scams with reference to bank's details (and especially to the change of IBAN number).
We declare that Lamebo is not changing its bank's details included IBAN.
So if you receive some emails that seem to arrive from our e-mail address, informing you that we've changed our IBAN number or asking you to settle a payment on a new Lamebo's IBAN, please be so kind to call us immediately on our phone number (+39 0119910383) and NOT TO PAY anything before calling us.
We remain at your disposal for any further information.
Best regards
REX System
We are very glad to inform all our customers that since 11.12.2017 Lamebo has been registered in the database of REX System (Registered Exporter System)!
Simac Tanning Tech 2017
Lamebo thanks everybody for all kind visits received during the fair! We will wait for you in Hong Kong!!
Look at the top of the leather shoes that welcome your feet during your long days, or take in your
hands your wonderful leather bags. Did you ever wonder how the quality of the leather of such
kind of goods, and so expensive, can be constantly guaranteed?
The shoes are an essential part of our wardrobe. It is made of various shapes, of variuos types:
elegant or casual for our free time, we can't go anywhere without!
Not less indispensable, and not only for reasons of style, the bag is an inseparable item for ladies
and it becomes a magical world in which every girl or woman is able to put the more that you can
ever imagine!
Or the precious leather wallet that we hold in our pockets or the belt that gives a touch of class to
the clothes we are wearing. Many objects that we owe solve us some problems, in a way or
People who walk a lot, for example, knows very well how important is to wear shoes that don't hurt
the feet and people, who want to show their style off, know very well how indispesable is to owe
perfect bags: the quality of the leather do the difference.
Would you ever thought that the wellness of our feet and our perfect and smart style depends on
what splitting band knives have been used to work the leather?
Indeed, in order to work the leather in the better way and then to guarantee the better quality which in the leathergoods and shoes fields it is used to prepare the leather which will become bags, belts and shoes, a particular kind of blade is used and this is the so-called splitting band knife. Apart from separating and splitting the leather, it allows also to “reduce” the material in its thickness, obtaining the high quality product we can parade.
The splitting band knives have a great versatility, they can be used to split every kind of material
that needs to be reduced in its thickness: leather, textile and lining, rubber and insoles, cardboard
You'll say : all blades are basically the same!
But this is wrong! A wrong choice in the type of splitting band knives means indeed to risk the
quality of the final product!
Therefore.. each blade has its leather! And each leather has its blade!
In the shoe and leather goods sector the blades which are mostly used are rectified on both edge and surfaces in order to guarantee the best splitting, that means a constance in the thickness of the leather that is produced/splitted (rectification of surfaces), and also to guarantee the maximum linearity during the splitting process ( back edge); the blade must run as stable as possible without oscillations at all, which could create defects on the leather.
As far as the Italian fashion is at the top all over the world, also the most suitable splitting band
knives for this use come from Italy. Located in the province of Turin, Lamebo company places
itself at the top of high quality splitting band knives production.
Once again the fashion is Made in Italy also in the components used for creation of smart products.
In other words, next time when we take our shoes off after a long day or every time we open our
leather bag, we will always remember to thank the producer that choose the best splitting band
knives to guarantee the highest quality of what we are wearing out!
Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
IRAN: La voglia di rimettersi in gioco
by M. Pucci - ASSOMAC
Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
In concomitanza con la fiera di settore MPEX si è svolto a Teheran un Business Forum italo-iraniano in occasione della Missione di Sistema
organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico in collaborazione con Confindustria.
La missione, a cui ha partecipato anche ASSOMAC, ha svolto un ruolo importante all'interno del FORUM Italia-Iran. La Presidente Gabriella Marchioni Bocca ha infatti firmato domenica 29 novembre, al termine della sessione generale del FORUM, alla presenza del Ministro
dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e del Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo
Calenda, due accordi di collaborazione con l'Associazone dei conciatori di Tabriz (ALPEA) e l'Associazione dei conciatori e dei prodotti in pelle di Teheran (ITA/IR). Sulla base delle intese
verranno tra l'altro avviati programmi di assistenza tecnica e di formazione allo scopo di promuovere le macchine e le tecnologie
italiane per calzature, pelletteria e conceria. (Nella foto la prima pagina di un giornale di Teheran di lunedì 30 novembre con l'immagine
della firma dell'accordo tra ASSOMAC e ALPEA (Association of the Leather Producers and Exporters of East Azerbaijian). Da sinistra
Golnar Nasrollahi, Direttrice del Dipartimento Industria Leggera del Ministero dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran;
Masoud Bonabian, Presidente di ALPEA; Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Presidente di ASSOMAC e Riccardo M. Monti, Presidente di ICE Agenzia. Alle spalle il Ministro dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e il Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda,.........
(by Mario Pucci - Assomac )
Lamebo reminds all customers to check the stocks before our Christmas closing in order to organize the production and the deliveries in the best possible way. Thanks to everybody for the kind cooperation!
Lamebo reminds all customers to check the stocks before our Christmas closing in order to organize the production and the deliveries in the best possible way. Thanks to everybody for the kind cooperation!
WORLD LEATHER CONGRESS tenuto da WLC International Council of Tanners
Lamebo è stata Main Sponsor del congresso "TRENDS & FUTURE CHALLENGES" tenutosi l'8 Settembre.
Tutti gli associati di ICT hanno presentato la situazione della pelle nel mercato mondiale; tra i numerosi interventi si annoverano anche quelli del Presidente ICT Rino Mastrotto, del Presidente UNIC G.Russo e del Presidente Assomac Gabriella Marchioni Bocca.
Dear Customers,
also this year we will be there.... We will wait for you .. to speak with you and to let you see the news that Lamebo reserved for you...
D. Lgs 231/01 and Ethic Code
Starting from the 1st January 2015, Lamebo introduces the "Form of Organisation, Management and Control with reference to legislative decree 231/01 and Ethic Code".
It is the set of rules and procedures organised in order to prevent the acting of violations and crimes which have to be followed by every person in the company. In order to effect the form, an independent monitoring organisation and a Ethic Code are created. The independent monitoring organisation meets with regular frequency in order to jugde if the Ethic Cod is respected.
تجدد لاميبو صورتها على شبكة الانترنت.
2014 1 يونيو
تهدف عملية إعادة بناء الموقع إلى إعطاء مزيد من المعلومات عنها والتعريف بنفسها بصورة أفضل في السوق.
تحتفل لاميبو بـ45 عاما من النشاط
تحتفل لاميبو بـ45 عاما من النشاط
2014 يناير 30
30يناير هو تاريخ مهم بالنسبة للاميبو؛ انه عيد ميلادها! وهو يكتسي هذا العام أهمية أكبر، لأنه يتم الاحتفال بـ 45 عاما من النشاط.
Press أرشيف
Lamebo su: La Repubblica
Gabriella Bocca "La mia vita tra i macchinari" - La Repubblica - 13/10/2024 - Torino
Amministratrice delegata della Lamebo, l’azienda di famiglia leader nella produzione di “lame a spaccare”. È stata nominata vicepresidente dell’Unione Industriali.
Una lady di ferro ma con grande umanità. Gabriella Bocca, amministratrice delegata della Lamebo, l’azienda di famiglia leader nella produzione di “lame a spaccare”, usate in particolare nella lavorazione di pellami e in altri settori, si racconta con molta ironia e sincerità.
Premio IWEC 2023 / IWEC 2023 Award Cerimony
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca della Lamebo srl ha ricevuto il premio IWEC durante la Conferenza annuale dell'International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge tenutasi a Torino questa settimana. / Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo srl has been awarded during the Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge annual Conference that took place in Turin this week.
Lamebo Campioni dell'Export 2023!
Lamebo Campioni dell'Export 2023!
Lamebo Export Champions 2023!
Lamebo su International Technology ....
Lamebo......fare innovazione! 2^ parte
continua l'interessante intervista ....
Lamebo......fare innovazione! 1^ parte
articolo domanda e risposta pubblicato sulla Rivista Arsutoria, sia in inglese che in italiano
Il viaggio per la spaccatura perfetta lo organizza Lamebo
Un articolo interessante pubblicato sulla Rivista Arsutoria
Tratto da / From Il Corriere
"PICCOLE IMPRESE ALLA SFIDA DELLE MILLE CRISI" di Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo srl
Tratto da: LA CONCERIA
4 Nov 2021 - Stella McCartney strumentalizza COP26 contro la pelle
La sconcertante strumentalizzazione di un evento globale come COP26, la Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici in corso a Glasgow. Ad attuarla, manco a dirlo, è Stella McCartney che alza la posta della sua fuorviante crociata mediatica contro la pelle lanciando una, a dir poco, discutibile e al tempo stesso drammatica petizione. Qualcosa contro cui occorre opporsi con forza, ad alta voce e rilanciando i contenuti del Leather Manifesto. Il documento, cioè, presentato sempre a COP26 da oltre 30 associazioni (tra cui UNIC – Concerie Italiane) per sottolineare la necessità di dare priorità ai materiali naturali nella battaglia per la sostenibilità.[...]
Link completo -> https://www.laconceria.it/sostenibilita/e-ora-di-finirla-stella-mccartney-strumentalizza-cop26-contro-la-pelle/
Lamebo on World Leather April/May 2021
Maximising precision and minimising waste in splitting..
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nominata rappresentante di Piccola Industria nazionale nel Consiglio Generale di Confindustria per il biennio 2021-2023
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nominata rappresentante di Piccola Industria nazionale nel Consiglio Generale di Confindustria per il biennio 2021-2023
Una graditissima lettera..
Gabriella Bocca rieletta Presidente di Piccola Industria Piemonte!
Video Stand Lamebo al Simac Tanning Tech 2020
Un piccolo video del nostro stand del Simac Tanning Tech 2020
Here, you'll find a short video which shows our stand during Simac Tanning Tech Fair 2020
Tratto da / From... Italian Leather Research Institute
Parla Gabriella Bocca, Presidente ASSOMAC
Tratto da / From... Ars Tannery
Uniti ce la faremo / Together we will make it
La presidente Gabriella Marchioni Bocca: "Nell’immediato la priorità è garantire la sicurezza ma con la ripartenza è fondamentale supportare le imprese e sostenere l’export"
Torino riparte!
Torino Riparte! Non facciamo vincere la paura
Torino non si ferma!
Torino non si ferma davanti al Covid-19!
Torino must go on!
ASSOMAC plants 500 plants in Madagascar
A forward-looking model to address current environmental and social challenges
Assomac, 500 piante per il Madagascar
Il progetto sottoscritto da Assomac apporta trasformazioni positive a livello ambientale, come riassorbimento CO2, riforestazione, tutela della biodiversità, contrasto dell’erosione del suolo e desertificazione, ma anche una ricaduta positiva per la comunità nel luogo prescelto.
“Assomac, da sempre, è impegnata sul tema della sostenibilità, che risulta essere sempre più strategica per le aziende - continua la presidente Marchioni Bocca
Buongiorno Regione - Piemonte che produce - Lamebo srl - 28/01/2020
Il programma "Buongiono Regione Piemonte" del 28 01 20, durante la rubrica "Piemonte che produce" parla della Lamebo srl, azienda produttrice di lame a spaccare sita a Leinì (TO).
Tratto da / From... Ars Tannery
Tutti uniti per la circolarità / All united for circularity
Tratto da / From... Ars Tannery
The technological square n.1 in Milan
Tratto da / From... La Conceria
Tecnologia tra 2019 e 2020: intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca
Tratto da / From.. International Technology
Consegna delle targhe in Assomac. La Lamebo è stata tra le aziende premiate da Assomac per i 50 anni di attività / Lamebo awarded by Assomac for its 50th Anniversary
tratto da La Conceria
Global Warming e Fake News
Consegna della Targa Premio Assomac alla Lamebo per i 50 anni
Assomac ha consegnato alla Lamebo la targa premio per i suoi 50 anni di attività.
Tratto da / From Arsutoria Technology & Innovation
"Lamebo, 50 well splitted years" / "Lamebo, cinquant'anni ben spaccati"
Tratto da/ from ILM...
Lamebo celebrates 50 year
Tratto dalla conceria/From La Conceria
Inghilterra, il sarto star bacchetta Stella McCartney: “I tessuti sintetici inquinano i mari, meglio usare la pelle”
Tratto/From..La Conceria
L’unione fa l’innovazione: SSIP e ASSOMAC firmano un protocollo d’intesa.
Tratto da/from..International Technology Journal
"L’azienda che vorrei"
Come stanno cambiando il mondo e i modelli di business è stato il tema centrale affrontato nel corso dell’Assemblea Annuale di Assomac.
"The company I wish to have"
How the world and business models are changing has been the main topic discussed during the Assomac Annual Meeting.
New Quality Certificate UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
To guarantee a constant level of quality in its products, Lamebo achieved the new quality certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 regulations.
Speciale Assemblea Unic 2018
La sinergia UNIC-Concerie Italiane e Assomac per l'industria 4.0
Tratto da/From ILM
Record year for Simac Tanning Tech 2018, interview with Gabriella Bocca, President of ASSOMAC.
Tratto/From L'informatore
Un articolo dal titolo "Assomac, il cambiamento è adesso" su L'informatore, relativo all'Assemblea annuale Assomac svoltasi a Vigevano venerdì 25/05.
Tratto da/ From.. Steptechnik
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nuovo Presidente di Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo, è il nuovo Presidente di Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte / Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo, is the new President of Piccola Industria di Confindustria Piemonte.
Supplier of Sustainable
A nice video about the project "Supplier of Sustainable", the Green Label by Assomac
Tratto da/From.. International Technology
La "Targa Verde" un riconoscimento e un impegno / "Targa Verde" recognition and commitment
Tratto/From International Technology..
Lamebo - The blade that makes the difference - Cutting costs while improving the quality /
Lamebo - La lama che fa la differenza - abbattere i costi migliorando la qualità
Tratto/From l'Informatore Vigevanese - 06/07/2017
Un articolo dal titolo "Nel suo complesso, la filiera cresce" su L'informatore vigevanese, relativo all'Assemblea annuale Assomac svoltasi a Vigevano venerdì 30/06.
Tratto da/From International Technology- Made in Italy for Vietnam
Lamebo - The blade that makes the difference - Cutting costs while improving the quality /
Lamebo - La lama che fa la differenza - abbattere i costi migliorando la qualità
Tratto/From Il Sole 24 Ore...
Assemblea Generale Assomac, giugno 2017, Vigevano, presso la sede di Assomac.
Stand Lamebo at Simac Tanning Tech 2017
Ecco un piccolo video che mostra il nostro stand durante la fiera Fiera Simac Tanning Tech che si è svolta a Milano dal 21 al 23 febbraio 2017
Here, you'll find a short video which shows our stand during Simac Tanning Tech Fair from 21 to 23 February 2017.
Tratto da / From ILM...
Interview with Assomac President, Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, following the Simac Tanning Tech exhibition.
Dal canale Youtube di Assomac Servizi/From the Assomac channel on Youtube:
Da International Technology/From International Technology
2016 positivo per la tecnologia italiana - L'export guida la crescita del settore
A positive 2016 for Italian technology - The sector growth is driven by exports
Tratto da La Conceria - Il Settimanale della pelle n. 8 - 2017/ from La Conceria
Boom Tecnologico - Simac Tanning Tech
Tratto da IT Simac TT 2017...
Industria 4.0 / Industry 4.0 " The Leather-Footwear System must work as one" ...
Tratto da/From Leatherbiz.com..
Tanning Tech opens
Assomac president,Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, formally opened the 2017 edition of Simac Tanning Tech in Milan on 21st of February.
Attestato di benemerenza
Riceviamo l'attestato di benemerenza per aver contribuito attraverso una libera donazione a sostenere ed affrontare le difficoltà ed i disagi degli eventi sismici dell'anno 2016 verificatosi a Sarnano (MC).
We received the merit certificate since we had helped thru' charitable contribution to support and face difficulties, disadvantages related to the earthquakes in year 2016 in Sarnano (MC).
Tratto da/ from..
Una grande iniziativa promossa dai Sig.Giancarlo Dani e Sig.Rino Mastrotto in cui c'è anche un po' di "cuore" della Lamebo. / A great initiative promoted by Mr.Giancarlo Dani and Mr.Rino Mastrotto where Lamebo's "heart" is present. /Una gran iniciativa promovida por el Sr Giancarlo Dani y el Sr Rino Mastrotto donde hay un poco de "corazon" de Lamebo.
Tratto da IT Magazine / From IT Magazine...
Simac Tanning Tech 2017: cresce del 20% l'area espositiva - Un ruolo centrale per il settore / Exhibition area up 20% - A central Role for the Sector
Tratto da IT Journal / From IT Journal....
Assomac: un punto di riferimento per l'industria di settore italiana e internazionale / Assomac - A point of the reference for the Italian and international industry.
From/Tratto da La Conceria
Timori "macro" per certezze "micro" / "macro" worries for "micro" certainties
Interview to Mrs. Gabriella Bocca, Lamebo, Assomac President.
From / Tratto da La Conceria ....
Fattore + 20% al Simac / Tanning Tech 2017, a tre mesi dalla fiera spazio espositivo in forte aumento /
Three months left to the Simac / Tanning Tech 2017 and there is +20% exhibition area already booked!
In Backstage Assomac...
Assomac citata dal ministro Calenda come esempio virtuoso nella cooperatione tra Italia e Vietnam / The Minister Calenda (MISE) mentioned Assomac Assiociation as virtuoso model in the business cooperation between Italy and Vietnam.
Tratto da L'Informatore../ From L'Informatore..
Investitura ufficiale del Consorzio Santi Crispino e Crispiniano per Gabriella Bocca, Lamebo srl.
/ Official investiture for Mrs.Gabriella Bocca, Lamebo by Consorzio Santi Crispino e Crispiniano.
Tratto da Informatore
Gabriella Bocca, Presidente Assomac, sarà premiata per "Fedeltà al Lavoro" durante la Festa del Consorzio Santi Crispino e Crispiniano / Gabriella Bocca, Assomac President, will be awarded for "Fidelity to Work" during the Festival of Santi Crispino and Crispiniano Consortium.
Tratto da International Technology Journal/From International Technology Journal.....
"Assomac premia la longevità delle aziende"/"Assomac awards enterprises longevity"
Tratto da International Technology...Uniti si vince!/United to win!
L'Assemblea Annuale di Assomac ha riunito gli attori della filiera moda pelle e calzature / The leather and footwear fashion chain Actors brought together by the Annual Meeting of Assomac.
Tratto da Arsutoria / From Arsutoria...
"Le lame che fanno la differenza", il nuovo articolo sulle lame Lamebo pubblicato su Arsutoria.
"Blades that make a difference" the new article about Lamebo splitting band knives published on Arsutoria.
Tratto da Mdp La conceria ..
Tratto da Mdp La conceria..Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, presidente Assomac, Assemblea Generale a Desenzano del Garda.
Tratto da International Technology ...
Tratto da International Technology, un nuovo articolo sulle lame a spaccare Lamebo, "Un brand italiano sinonimo di alta tecnologia"
Tratto da International Leather Maker
Un articolo tratto da International Leather Maker: Italian machinery sector driven by exports
Tratto da Il Sole 24 Ore....
Tratto da Il Sole 24 Ore....Assemblea Generale Assomac, giugno 2016 Desenzano Del Garda.
From Leather International
Interview to Gabriella Marchioni Bocca , president of ASSOMAC , about SIMAC TANNING TECH 2016 - first impressions
Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, presidente Assomac, sulle prime impressioni sul Simac Tanning Tech 2016.
Tratto da
A Milano la fiera del settore.....
Scarpe, macchine in crescita nella UE...
Tratto da MF...
Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca: "Asia, L'India è il nuovo bacino Produttivo"
Tratto da Trend in Tannery..
Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, presidente Assomac, "Condivisione e leadership tecnologica"
Tratto da il Giorno...
Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Presidente Assomac, "Produzioni ed export in crescita. Le macchine per scarpe decollano"
a nice story.. / una bella storia /une belle histoire
2° World Leather Congress
Lamebo attended to the most important event for Tannery Industry.More than 300 delegates from all parts of world
La Lamebo era presente ad uno degli eventi più importanti del settore, il 2° World Leather Congress! Il congresso ha visto la partecipazione di circa 300 delegati (clienti, concerie, fornitori, stampa, istituzioni pubbliche) provenienti da 28 Paesi.
Ecco il link dove poter vedere gli atti del convegno.
Tratto da Arsutoria..
Intervista a Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, nuovo Presidente di Assomac: "Facciamo gioco di squadra" .
Tratto da L'infomatore Shoes
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nuovo Presidente di Assomac. La grande sfida di Simac Tanning Tech
Tratto da Masters ..
Elezione di Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, nuovo presidente di Assomac.
Las mujeres
Las mujeres "coparon" el Sector
About the election of Mrs. Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Lamebo as Assomac President and Mrs. Annarita Pilotti as Assocalzaturifici President.
Tratto da ILM...
Assomac new president
da FashionMag.com
Assomac ha un nuovo presidente
Venerdì 26.06.2015 Gabriella Marchioni Bocca è stata eletta Presidente dell'associazione di settore Assomac.
Tratto da L'Informatore vigevanese..
Il nuovo presidente Assomac
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Presidente di Assomac
Venerdì 26.06.2015 Gabriella Marchioni Bocca è stata eletta Presidente dell'associazione di settore Assomac.
Tratto da MF "Vola l'Export di Settore"
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca nominata nuovo Presidente Assomac
Tratto da Leather Insiders..
Gabriella Marchioni Bocca è stata eletta Presidente dell'associazione di settore Assomac.
Tratto da Mdp La Conceria ..
Venerdì 26.06.2015 Gabriella Marchioni Bocca è stata eletta Presidente dell'associazione di settore Assomac.
Tratto da La Provincia Pavese
E' successo un po' di anni fa....
Intervista per Tecnologie Conciarie dopo il trasferimento nella nuova sede Lamebo
"Qualità e servizio alla base di una costante evoluzione"
Leather Insider Newsletter
Leather Insider Newsletter
gruppo Split parliamo di :
tecnologia , innovazione ASSOMAC , novità LAMEBO
Dazi all'import ....
e incentivi agli investimenti per l'India di Modi
sole 24 ore
Revamped Simac Tanning-Tech.....
....ready for Milan return Simac Tanning Tech-2015,
innovation machines presentation
Export of Leather-Footwear machines takes off again. / Riparte l'export della meccanica Pelle-Calzature
Lamebo rinnova l'immagine
Trend Tannery
New Image
Trend Tannery
Parliamo di ......
Moda Pelle
La Stampa
pagina dell' UI
box eccellenze torinesi ....
Foto Shoe
Foto Shoe - nasce Lamebo Silver
Foto Shoe
Foto Shoe
Innovazione quale e perché .... sempre più necessario essere competitivi , efficienti e produttivi
alcuni produttori di macchine per la conceria spiegano le innovazioni tecnologiche
Qualità e servizio ....
Tecnologie Conciarie
الأداء عبر الإنترنت
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Lamebo : Global leader of quality splitting knives
Quality is all: the quality of our steels, of our welding, of our linearity and the perfect cut make our splitting band knives UNIQUE. A constant high quality.
We've dedicated to splitting band knives, protagonist of our care and work, throughout a Massimo Forchino 's creative and artistic interpretation , a photo-shooting that becomes an art exhibition.