Nouveautés et événements
Lamebo Season's Greetings
21.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!
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Lamebo Season's Greetings
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!
Lamebo srl a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'à partir du 1er octobre 2024, elle pourra certifier l'utilisation d'énergie propre ou verte.
Une partie est autoproduite par des panneaux solaires et le reste, que nous achetons, provient uniquement de sources renouvelables.
Simac Tanning Tech 2024
17-19 Septembre 2024
Lamebo sera présent à la foire Simac Tanning Tech 2024!
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Simac Tanning Tech 2024
Lamebo sera présent à la foire, la plus importante pour notre secteur.
Nous vous attedrons chez notre stand!!
Pavillon 18 Stand G09
Interzum Forum Italy
Lamebo vous attends !! Hall B - Stand E9
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Interzum Forum Italy
PMI Day 2024
Here are the students! It was an honour to welcome them!
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PMI Day 2024
On Monday we met the students for PMI Day 2024!
Every time it is a fantastic experience to train, and also to train ourselves, to understand well what the kids are looking for, their dreams and their hope in the future of work! I thank the guys, the enlightened professors and the UI of Turin, who made it possible to organize this day!
Simac Tanning Tech 2023
19-21 Septembre 2023
We thank all those who came to visit us at the fair ... it was a pleasure to see you again!
Lamebo wishes everybody Happy Season Holidays!
Lamebo wishes everybody Happy Season Holidays!
Participation à Interzum 2023
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Lamebo participera à la foire Interzum 2023 à Cologne du 09/05 à 12/05/2023!
Nous vous attendrons en notre stand C-001/Hall 9!!
PMI Day 2022
Here are the students! It was an honour to welcome them!
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PMI Day 2022
For the first time Lamebo opens its doors to the schools.
It was an honour to receive their visit and a very good feeling to see the interest of students and professors.
Foam Expo Europe 2021
09/11/21 -11/11/21
Bientôt Lamebo sera à Foam Expo Europe .. stand 1118 .. on vous attend !!
Simac Tanning Tech 2021
160th anniversary of Italian unification
March 17, 2021, marks the 160th anniversary of Italian unification, the Day of National Unity, the Constitution, the Anthem and the Flag
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160th anniversary of Italian unification
Assemblée Assomac novembre 2020 Gabriella Bocca
Fin du mandat de la Présidente Gabriella Bocca
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Assemblée Assomac novembre 2020 Gabriella Bocca
L'expérience fantastique en tant que Président de notre association ASSOMAC s'est terminée le 25 novembre.
Je remercie tout le monde, ce fut une fierté et un honneur de pouvoir vous représenter!
Si vous voulez voir la vidéo de l'Assemblée, vous pouvez la trouver dans la section vidéo de notre site Web.
Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
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Dear Friend, Dear Customer
We all from Lamebo are sending you our warmest greetings!
We are fortunately fine, safe and healthy and how are you?
The very sad and difficult moment we are facing due to Covid 19 obliges us to keep the distance, but we wish to remind that we care of all of you, hoping to see each other soon again!!
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Nous vous remercions de votre visite à notre stand pendant la Foire Simac Tanning Tech 2019!
C'ètait un plaisir de vous rencontrer là!
Simac Tanning Tech 2019
20-22 Février 2019
Lamebo sera présent à la foire Simac Tanning Tech 2019!
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Simac Tanning Tech 2019
Lamebo sera présent à la foire, la plus importante pour notre secteur.
Nous vous attedrons chez notre stand!!
Pavillon 18 Stand G30 H29
01-03 Fevriere 2019
Lamebo vous souhaite Bonne Année et vuos informe que participarà a la foire IILF Chennai Fair 2019 1B-07-E – Hall 1B ASSOMAC Pavillon Italien
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Cheres clients,
cette année aussi nous serons presents ...
nous vous esperons nombreux ....
pour parler et voir les nouvelles chez
LAMEBO pour vous.....
APRIL 2018
We are very glad to inform all our customers that since April, 2018 Lamebo became Industry 4.0!
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We are very glad to inform all our customers that since April, 2018 Lamebo became Industry 4.0!
Payment scams and frauds
Important message about bank's details and all payments
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Payment scams and frauds
We would like to focus your attention to some frauds and scams with reference to bank's details (and especially to the change of IBAN number).
We declare that Lamebo is not changing its bank's details included IBAN.
So if you receive some emails that seem to arrive from our e-mail address, informing you that we've changed our IBAN number or asking you to settle a payment on a new Lamebo's IBAN, please be so kind to call us immediately on our phone number (+39 0119910383) and NOT TO PAY anything before calling us.
We remain at your disposal for any further information.
Best regards
REX System
We are very glad to inform all our customers that since 11.12.2017 Lamebo has been registered in the database of REX System (Registered Exporter System)!
Simac Tanning Tec 2017
Lamebo vous remercie pour les nombreueses visites chez notre stand pendant la foire!
On vous attends en Hong Kong!
Simac Tanning Tech 2017
21-23 Fevrier 2017
Présence à la Foire..
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Simac Tanning Tech 2017
Lamebo sera présent à la foire, la plus importante pour notre secteur.
Nous vous attedrons chez notre stand:
Pavillon 18 Stand F40 !!!
Vacances nsationales du 08.12.2016
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On vous informe que Lamebo sera fermé le 8 et le 9 de decembre 2016 pour vacances nationales.
Simac Tanning Tech 2016
Nouvelle vidéo du Stand Lamebo dans la Foire Simac/Tanning Tech 2016
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Simac Tanning Tech 2016
Evénement International dans le quel Lamebo était présent. Cliquez et téléchargez pour voir la vidéo du Simac/Tanning Tech
De retours à l'école!
Le 4 et le 5 mai on sera de retour à l'école!
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De retours à l'école!
Le 4 et le 5 mai on sera de retour à l'école!
Nous allons participer à un cours organisé par notre association ASSOMAC.
Nous retournos le 6 mai!
Rating de la Légalité
Le 09.03.2016, Lamebo Srl est heureuse d'annoncer qu'elle a obtenu le "rating" de la légalité.
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Rating de la Légalité
Le 09.03.2016 Lamebo Srl est heureuse d'annoncer qu'elle a obtenu le "rating" de la légalité.
Toute personne intéressée peut nous demander et ce sera un plaisir de vous repondre.
Lamebo Ltée est heureuse d'annoncer qu'elle a obtenu la cote de la légalité.
Toute personne intéressée peut nous demander et nous fera un plaisir de vous l'envoyer.
Happy Season's Holiday!
We will be back on the 7th of January 2016! Best Wishes to everybody!!
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Happy Season's Holiday!
We will be back on the 7th of January 2016! Best Wishes to everybody!!
une belle histoire!
une belle histoire !
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une belle histoire!
Look at the top of the leather shoes that welcome your feet during your long days, or take in your
hands your wonderful leather bags. Did you ever wonder how the quality of the leather of such
kind of goods, and so expensive, can be constantly guaranteed?
The shoes are an essential part of our wardrobe. It is made of various shapes, of variuos types:
elegant or casual for our free time, we can't go anywhere without!
Not less indispensable, and not only for reasons of style, the bag is an inseparable item for ladies
and it becomes a magical world in which every girl or woman is able to put the more that you can
ever imagine!
Or the precious leather wallet that we hold in our pockets or the belt that gives a touch of class to
the clothes we are wearing. Many objects that we owe solve us some problems, in a way or
People who walk a lot, for example, knows very well how important is to wear shoes that don't hurt
the feet and people, who want to show their style off, know very well how indispesable is to owe
perfect bags: the quality of the leather do the difference.
Would you ever thought that the wellness of our feet and our perfect and smart style depends on
what splitting band knives have been used to work the leather?
Indeed, in order to work the leather in the better way and then to guarantee the better quality which in the leathergoods and shoes fields it is used to prepare the leather which will become bags, belts and shoes, a particular kind of blade is used and this is the so-called splitting band knife. Apart from separating and splitting the leather, it allows also to “reduce” the material in its thickness, obtaining the high quality product we can parade.
The splitting band knives have a great versatility, they can be used to split every kind of material
that needs to be reduced in its thickness: leather, textile and lining, rubber and insoles, cardboard
You'll say : all blades are basically the same!
But this is wrong! A wrong choice in the type of splitting band knives means indeed to risk the
quality of the final product!
Therefore.. each blade has its leather! And each leather has its blade!
In the shoe and leather goods sector the blades which are mostly used are rectified on both edge and surfaces in order to guarantee the best splitting, that means a constance in the thickness of the leather that is produced/splitted (rectification of surfaces), and also to guarantee the maximum linearity during the splitting process ( back edge); the blade must run as stable as possible without oscillations at all, which could create defects on the leather.
As far as the Italian fashion is at the top all over the world, also the most suitable splitting band
knives for this use come from Italy. Located in the province of Turin, Lamebo company places
itself at the top of high quality splitting band knives production.
Once again the fashion is Made in Italy also in the components used for creation of smart products.
In other words, next time when we take our shoes off after a long day or every time we open our
leather bag, we will always remember to thank the producer that choose the best splitting band
knives to guarantee the highest quality of what we are wearing out!
Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
IRAN: La voglia di rimettersi in gioco
by M. Pucci - ASSOMAC
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Firma MOU_missione di sistema MISE-Confindustria Teheran
In concomitanza con la fiera di settore MPEX si è svolto a Teheran un Business Forum italo-iraniano in occasione della Missione di Sistema
organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico in collaborazione con Confindustria.
La missione, a cui ha partecipato anche ASSOMAC, ha svolto un ruolo importante all'interno del FORUM Italia-Iran. La Presidente Gabriella Marchioni Bocca ha infatti firmato domenica 29 novembre, al termine della sessione generale del FORUM, alla presenza del Ministro
dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e del Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo
Calenda, due accordi di collaborazione con l'Associazone dei conciatori di Tabriz (ALPEA) e l'Associazione dei conciatori e dei prodotti in pelle di Teheran (ITA/IR). Sulla base delle intese
verranno tra l'altro avviati programmi di assistenza tecnica e di formazione allo scopo di promuovere le macchine e le tecnologie
italiane per calzature, pelletteria e conceria. (Nella foto la prima pagina di un giornale di Teheran di lunedì 30 novembre con l'immagine
della firma dell'accordo tra ASSOMAC e ALPEA (Association of the Leather Producers and Exporters of East Azerbaijian). Da sinistra
Golnar Nasrollahi, Direttrice del Dipartimento Industria Leggera del Ministero dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran;
Masoud Bonabian, Presidente di ALPEA; Gabriella Marchioni Bocca, Presidente di ASSOMAC e Riccardo M. Monti, Presidente di ICE Agenzia. Alle spalle il Ministro dell'Industria, delle Miniere e del Commercio dell'Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, e il Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda,.........
(by Mario Pucci - Assomac )
Lamebo rappelle à tous les clients de vérifier l'inventaire avant notre fermeture de Noël afin que vous puissiez organiser la production et les livraisons de la meilleure façon. Merci à tous pour votre coopération !!
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Lamebo rappelle à tous les clients de vérifier l'inventaire avant notre fermeture de Noël afin que vous puissiez organiser la production et les livraisons de la meilleure façon. Merci à tous pour votre coopération !!
WORLD LEATHER CONGRESS tenuto da WLC International Council of Tanners
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Lamebo è stata Main Sponsor del congresso "TRENDS & FUTURE CHALLENGES" tenutosi l'8 Settembre.
Tutti gli associati di ICT hanno presentato la situazione della pelle nel mercato mondiale; tra i numerosi interventi si annoverano anche quelli del Presidente ICT Rino Mastrotto, del Presidente UNIC G.Russo e del Presidente Assomac Gabriella Marchioni Bocca.
WLC 2015 Main Sponsor
Lamebo is WLC 2015 Main Sponsor
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WLC 2015 Main Sponsor
Lamebo is WLC 2015 Main Sponsor . WLC 2015 will be held in Milano the 8th of September in the Edison Foundation.
Tabriz Leather Fair TLF
29.07 - 01.08.2015
Int'l Leather and Skin Products and Machineries Exhibition
15-17 JUILLET 2015
Lamebo sera présent à la Foire "Shoes and Leather - Vietnam 2015" - Pavillon italien
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Nous vous attendons avec plaisir!!
15-20 MARS 2015
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Nous vous attendons avec plaisir à la foire Fimec en Novo Hamburgo chez notre
STAND 3025
PAV 3 - D/E
25-27 FEVRIER 2015
Lamebo participarà à la Foire Simac-Tanning Tech chez Expo 2015, Milan
Stand G48 - Pad. 18
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Cheres clients,
Cette année aussi nous serons présents ....
Nous vous attendons nombreux ... pour parler et voir les nouvelles de Lamebo
D. Lgs 231/01 et Code Ethique
A partir du 1° Janvier du 2015, Lamebo a introduit
Modèle D’Organisation, de Gestion et de Contrôle conformément au Décret Législatif 231 et Code Ethique
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D. Lgs 231/01 et Code Ethique
Le Décret Législatif 231 du 8 juin 2001 – « Réglementation de la responsabilité
administrative des personnes morales, des sociétés et des associations même sans
personnalité morale, conformément à l’art. 11 de la loi n° 300 du 29 septembre 2000 » –
a introduit dans notre système la responsabilité des personnes morales comme conséquence de la commission d’infractions déterminées par des personnes dirigeantes ou subalternes, dans la mesure où lesdites infractions sont commises en faveur ou dans l’intérêt de la Société.
La non observation des règles susmentionnées peut entraîner pour la Société des sanctions en fonction de la gravité de l’infraction commise pouvant aller jusqu’à l’interdiction d’exercer pour l’entreprise, et ce même de manière définitive.
La Lamebo renouvelle son image sur Internet.
1 juin 2014
Le travail de renouvellement du site
La LAMEBO fête ses 45 ans d'activité
30 janvier 2014
Le 30 janvier est une date importante pour la Lamebo : c'est son anniversaire !! Cette année, il est encore plus important, parce qu'elle fête ses 45 ans d'activité.